The most common questions

                                      The High Celtic Cross at Monasterboise         
"So, Lisa, do you have a specific role at e3 other than helping Tony?" "Do you do anything else besides being a pastor's wife?" I get these questions a lot. Sometimes they make me chuckle and if I'm honest, sometimes they dishearten me. Whilst I do love being married to my missionary/pastor husband, my calling to be a missionary was just that, my calling. Yes, God called Tony and I to serve together, but the call was clearly on my life as well, 15 years ago.

For the past 13 years, I have been serving with e3 Partners ministry as a faith missionary. "Oh, so what do you actually do?" That is always the next question. My role is two-fold. I am a Senior Trip Leader, which means I lead teams to go share the Good News of Jesus to Ireland. There is much work that goes into leading an overseas trip:  setting and keeping within a budget, training the team for the ministry work as well as cultural etiquette, overseeing the team on the field, all travel arrangements, food, etc. Too much to mention. I am also the Implementation Director for Team Ireland. In this role, I am involved with planning and implementing the overall country strategy with Tony and Andrew, our national director. Mentoring and training the e3 Team Ireland staff which now consists of 9 staff members and a few more who are going thru the application process. And like any position, the list could go on, but you get the least I hope you do.

It sounds like a lot of work but I do not look at it that way, because I absolutely LOVE what I do. I love preparing and taking people to share their faith in Ireland and to mentor and train other missionaries to serve God with e3 and help them become the best they can be in their role. It is not only an incredible honor but it is a tremendous joy and blessing!

                        Training Believers in Dundalk ROI and our team in Lisburn NI

Every believer is called to walk by faith, however, being a faith missionary takes that to an entirely different level! You learn to see thru new eyes the importance of prayer warriors in your life, understand more deeply how the Body really must work together to finish the task of reaching the entire world for Jesus and depending on God for your financial needs at all times, not just when times are tough.

We are extremely thankful for every single partnership that we have; we truly would not be doing this without you. And whilst we have moved to Houston and Tony is also now an Outreach Pastor, my full-time role has actually increased with e3. Raising support, as you can imagine, isn't always a lot of fun, but my heart is truly to see Ireland and the world be transformed by the gospel by making disciples and planting churches that multiply.  This work can't be done without your partnership.  Would you prayerfully consider being part of Team Ireland by partnering with me in prayer or financially with a monthly gift of $25 or $50, a one time gift, or however God leads you? Currently, I am at 42% of my monthly goal and am excited about the new role I have with e3 Team Ireland!  You may become a partner at:

Don't forget, I'd LOVE to have you come to Ireland with me too! The 2019 dates are:

July 16-23
September 17-24

However, more dates can be added to the calendar if your church has a team they would like to take. 

Until the whole world hears!!

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