How Do You Eat an Elephant

How Do You Eat an Elephant?
One Bite at a Time!

(No Elephants were harmed in the writing of this newsletter)
e3's strategy for Ireland is '32 by 32' and while this seems like an impossible task, we know that God is able to accomplish it. We've just returned from our latest expedition, serving with the Transformation Center, a church in Lisburn, N. Ireland, and we feel like we have taken another bite out of this elephant-sized vision. God assembled 16 amazing people to produce our largest and most diverse team we've had the privilege of leading.

Time well spent...
The team was blessed to worship with the Transformation Center on Sunday morning and held a training for the church that evening, Monday through Friday we went out into the harvest (going into the community to share the gospel), serving in the local Lisburn area and also went back to the Twinbrook community in W. Belfast (an area that not many ministries are willing to go to because of their troubled past).  During our five days in the harvest the team was able to pray for 122 people, shared the gospel with 167, trained 55 believers (in addition to the members of Transformation Center), 90 people wanted to know more about following Jesus and 65 of them received a Gospel of John and 30 provided contact information to be followed up with.  

Twinbrook revisited
Returning to Twinbrook was an incredible blessing. For whatever reason, I was really touched by that area of West Belfast last May. God truly blessed me by allowing me to revisit "C" whom I had met in May. Seeing her lovely face answer the door and walking into her apartment again, reminded me afresh how much I truly love doing this.  Although things are moving forward, "C" and her son are still going thru rough times but talking with and praying for her, I believe, blessed us both. She hugged me so tightly as we said good-bye..she wouldn't let go; it felt like we were old friends.

Robert and I also met a man named "B" who has had a past of drug and alcohol abuse but is now in recovery. Quite some time ago, he found his mother after she had committed was a turning point in his life. Although he is no longer using drugs and alcohol, when asked about his spiritual beliefs he said his "higher powers that guide him" are his mother and the Virgin Mary. After Robert and I spoke to him, and shared the gospel, he stated that he is very open to finding out more about Jesus and being corrected if his beliefs are wrong. Please keep both "C" and "B" in your prayers. Both of them have touched my life and heart in a profound way. - Lisa

The times they are a changing! 

It's interesting to see how people respond differently, in different areas and in different generations.  We had the opportunity to speak to many young people, as there was a college in the area of downtown Lisburn.  One commented, "our generation doesn't believe in God."  But while they had been exposed to many athiestic arguments, most had  never been exposed to the gospel.  As we shared with them, you could see that some were challenged by their preconceived notions of what they thought the gospel was and how it could possibly have anything to do with them. Many, unfortunately, did want anything to do with the gospel, as they saw it only as a tie to religion.  There is also a high rate of drug and alcohol abuse among the youth.  We did meet one young lady who was very interested in the gospel.  As we approached her we asked if we could pray for her in any way, she said she was good.  We then asked if God could do a miracle in her life what would she want God to do.  She responded that she would like to see her mother freed from alcoholism.  She was very emotional and she allowed us to share the gospel with her and when we asked  if there was anything preventing her from putting her faith in Jesus, she replied, "No!"  We were able to give her a Gospel of John and the contact information of the church.  Pray that God the seed of the gospel would take root in this young lady and that God would do a work in her mother as well.  -Tony
There are three specific areas where you can get involved:
Pray:  Being a prayer partner may be one of the most important aspects of our ministry.  God is the Lord of the harvest and though the harvest is plentiful, the laborers are few.
Go: Join us as laborers in the harvest.  We invite you to “Go” with us on one of our mission trips.  You will be equipped with everything you need to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples.
Give: We are praying for monthly partners to help meet the financial needs of the ministry. Your partnership helps us pay for our family needs as well as ministry expenses and traveling. All donations are tax deductible.

Please Prayerfully consider becoming a partner at $25, $50, $75 or $100 a month
Churches please prayerfully consider becoming a partner at $100-$500 a month
Giving details are listed in the box below

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e3 Partners Fund at Pure Charity
PO Box1053
Searcy, AR 72145
Memo Line: Svendsen #390
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Matthew 28:18-20 
“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.  Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

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